Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours

Frettlöh D (2024)
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie 67(2): 191-201.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
A vertex colouring of some graph is called perfect if each vertex of colour i has the same number a(ij) of neighbours of colour j. Here we determine all perfect colourings of the edge graphs of the hypercube in dimensions 4 and 5 by two and three colours, respectively. For comparison we list all perfect colourings of the edge graphs of the simplex in dimensions 4 and 5, respectively.
Graph colouring
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie
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Frettlöh D. Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours. Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. 2024;67(2):191-201.
Frettlöh, D. (2024). Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours. Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie, 67(2), 191-201.
Frettlöh, Dirk. 2024. “Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours”. Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie 67 (2): 191-201.
Frettlöh, D. (2024). Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours. Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie 67, 191-201.
Frettlöh, D., 2024. Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours. Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie, 67(2), p 191-201.
D. Frettlöh, “Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours”, Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie, vol. 67, 2024, pp. 191-201.
Frettlöh, D.: Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours. Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. 67, 191-201 (2024).
Frettlöh, Dirk. “Perfect colourings of simplices and hypercubes in dimension four and five with few colours”. Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie 67.2 (2024): 191-201.

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