Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type

Alfes C, Kiefer P, Mazáč J (2024)

Preprint | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
In this article, we show that Fourier eigenmeasures supported on spheres with radii given by a locally finite sequence, which we call $k$-spherical measures, correspond to Fourier series exhibiting a modular-type transformation behaviour with respect to the metaplectic group. A familiar subset of such Fourier series comprises holomorphic modular forms. This allows us to construct $k$-spherical eigenmeasures and derive Poisson-type summation formulas, thereby recovering formulas of a similar nature established by Cohn-Gon\c{c}alves, Lev-Reti, and Meyer, among others. Additionally, we extend our results to higher dimensions, where Hilbert modular forms yield higher-dimensional $k$-spherical measures.
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Alfes C, Kiefer P, Mazáč J. Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type. arXiv:2405.15620. 2024.
Alfes, C., Kiefer, P., & Mazáč, J. (2024). Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type. arXiv:2405.15620
Alfes, Claudia, Kiefer, Paul, and Mazáč, Jan. 2024. “Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type”. arXiv:2405.15620.
Alfes, C., Kiefer, P., and Mazáč, J. (2024). Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type. arXiv:2405.15620.
Alfes, C., Kiefer, P., & Mazáč, J., 2024. Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type. arXiv:2405.15620.
C. Alfes, P. Kiefer, and J. Mazáč, “Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type”, arXiv:2405.15620, 2024.
Alfes, C., Kiefer, P., Mazáč, J.: Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type. arXiv:2405.15620. (2024).
Alfes, Claudia, Kiefer, Paul, and Mazáč, Jan. “Measures, modular forms, and summation formulas of Poisson type”. arXiv:2405.15620 (2024).

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