Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties

Weike N, Fritsch F, Eisfeld W (2024)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The diabatization of reactive systems for more than just a couple of states is a very demanding problem and generally requires advanced diabatization techniques. Especially for dissociative processes, the drastic changes in the adiabatic wave functions often would require large diabatic state bases, which quickly become impractical. Recently, we addressed this problem by the compensation states approach developed in the context of our hybrid diabatization scheme. This scheme utilizes wave function as well as energy data in combination with a diabatic potential model. In regions where the initial diabatic state basis becomes insufficient for an appropriate representation of the adiabatic states, new model states are generated. The new model states compensate for the state space not spanned by the initial diabatic basis. Such a compensation state is obtained by projecting the initial diabatic state space out of the adiabatic wave function. This yields a very efficient basis representation of the electronic Hamiltonian. The present work presents two new aspects. First, it is shown how other operators like the spin–orbit operator in the framework of the Effective Relativistic Coupling by Asymptotic Representation (ERCAR) can be evaluated in this compact model state space without losing the correct wave function information and accuracy. Second, the extension of the approach to multidimensional potential energy surface models is presented for methyl iodide including the C–I dissociation coordinate and the angular H3C–I bending coordinates.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
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Weike N, Fritsch F, Eisfeld W. Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2024.
Weike, N., Fritsch, F., & Eisfeld, W. (2024). Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Weike, Nicole, Fritsch, Fabian, and Eisfeld, Wolfgang. 2024. “Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Weike, N., Fritsch, F., and Eisfeld, W. (2024). Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Weike, N., Fritsch, F., & Eisfeld, W., 2024. Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
N. Weike, F. Fritsch, and W. Eisfeld, “Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2024.
Weike, N., Fritsch, F., Eisfeld, W.: Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. (2024).
Weike, Nicole, Fritsch, Fabian, and Eisfeld, Wolfgang. “Compensation States Approach in the Hybrid Diabatization Scheme: Extension to Multidimensional Data and Properties”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2024).

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