Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation

Nguyen M, Rydstrom H, Mao J (2024)
Global Social Policy.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
This special issue explores the intertwining reconfigurations of labour and welfare in the Global South by bringing together eight empirical studies of different national and transnational contexts and three commentaries. It asks how Global South people and states alike have come to prioritize market logics as guiding principles for welfare systems, moving away from collective risk-pooling towards individual responsibility, and how this reorientation is connected to the restructuring of labour. In this introduction to the special issue, we discuss the genealogies of the social question and review the growing academic discussion on the changing landscape of welfare in the Global South. We then underscore how the contemporary social question is predominantly framed in the terms of people's capacity for market participation in the specific empirical contexts discussed by our authors. The framing of the social question as such, and the accompanying solutions to it, we argue, disregards politics, political economy and social justice at the cost of the more urgent social question that confronts the increasingly asymmetrical power relations between labour and capital.
Global South; labour; marketization; the social question; welfare
Global Social Policy
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Nguyen M, Rydstrom H, Mao J. Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation. Global Social Policy. 2024.
Nguyen, M., Rydstrom, H., & Mao, J. (2024). Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation. Global Social Policy.
Nguyen, Minh, Rydstrom, Helle, and Mao, Jingyu. 2024. “Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation”. Global Social Policy.
Nguyen, M., Rydstrom, H., and Mao, J. (2024). Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation. Global Social Policy.
Nguyen, M., Rydstrom, H., & Mao, J., 2024. Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation. Global Social Policy.
M. Nguyen, H. Rydstrom, and J. Mao, “Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation”, Global Social Policy, 2024.
Nguyen, M., Rydstrom, H., Mao, J.: Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation. Global Social Policy. (2024).
Nguyen, Minh, Rydstrom, Helle, and Mao, Jingyu. “Reconfiguring labour and welfare in the Global South: How the social question is framed as market participation”. Global Social Policy (2024).

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