Creativity in the production of personal name blends

Belosevic M (Accepted)
Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Angenommen | Englisch
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21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”
2024-08-28 – 2024-08-30
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Belosevic M. Creativity in the production of personal name blends. Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna.
Belosevic, M. (Accepted). Creativity in the production of personal name blends. Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna.
Belosevic, Milena. Accepted. “Creativity in the production of personal name blends”. Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna .
Belosevic, M. (Accepted).“Creativity in the production of personal name blends”. Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna.
Belosevic, M., Accepted. Creativity in the production of personal name blends. Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna.
M. Belosevic, “Creativity in the production of personal name blends”, Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna, Accepted.
Belosevic, M.: Creativity in the production of personal name blends. Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna (Accepted).
Belosevic, Milena. “Creativity in the production of personal name blends”. Presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting “Historical morphology and morphological theory”, Vienna, Accepted.

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