Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study

Tokgöz P, Wähnert D, Elsner A, Schack T, Cienfuegos M, Conrad J, Vordemvenne T, Dockweiler C (2023)
Healthcare 11(10): 1498.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 1.67 MB
Abstract / Bemerkung
Applications related to virtual reality are a rapidly growing area. Thus, these technologies are also increasingly used in the field of medicine and rehabilitation. The primary objective of this prospective pilot study was to investigate the feasibility, user experience and acceptance of a virtual-reality-based system for upper extremity rehabilitation. The study was conducted as a single-center trial over 16 weeks. The eligibility criteria included rehabilitants with upper extremity injuries of at least 18 years of age who were fluent in spoken and written German. After detailed instruction, each participant was asked to complete daily 30 min exercises over 15 training sessions with the virtual reality system consisting of three different training modules. Outcomes were assessed pre-study and post-study using standardized clinical measures. In addition, qualitative interviews with rehabilitants as well as therapists regarding user experience and acceptance were conducted. Six participants were recruited for the pilot study, of which five underwent virtual-reality-based rehabilitation. Overall, the clinical measures showed a positive tendency over the course of the study, even if the results were not significant. Furthermore, the virtual-reality-based training was well accepted by the participants as well as therapists. Given these findings, it will be beneficial to evaluate virtual reality for rehabilitation in further research.
rehabilitation; virtual reality; upper extremity; virtual rehabilitation; pilot study
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Tokgöz P, Wähnert D, Elsner A, et al. Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study. Healthcare. 2023;11(10): 1498.
Tokgöz, P., Wähnert, D., Elsner, A., Schack, T., Cienfuegos, M., Conrad, J., Vordemvenne, T., et al. (2023). Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study. Healthcare, 11(10), 1498.
Tokgöz, Pinar, Wähnert, Dirk, Elsner, Andreas, Schack, Thomas, Cienfuegos, Miguel, Conrad, Jens, Vordemvenne, Thomas, and Dockweiler, Christoph. 2023. “Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study”. Healthcare 11 (10): 1498.
Tokgöz, P., Wähnert, D., Elsner, A., Schack, T., Cienfuegos, M., Conrad, J., Vordemvenne, T., and Dockweiler, C. (2023). Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study. Healthcare 11:1498.
Tokgöz, P., et al., 2023. Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study. Healthcare, 11(10): 1498.
P. Tokgöz, et al., “Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study”, Healthcare, vol. 11, 2023, : 1498.
Tokgöz, P., Wähnert, D., Elsner, A., Schack, T., Cienfuegos, M., Conrad, J., Vordemvenne, T., Dockweiler, C.: Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study. Healthcare. 11, : 1498 (2023).
Tokgöz, Pinar, Wähnert, Dirk, Elsner, Andreas, Schack, Thomas, Cienfuegos, Miguel, Conrad, Jens, Vordemvenne, Thomas, and Dockweiler, Christoph. “Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation—A Prospective Pilot Study”. Healthcare 11.10 (2023): 1498.
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