On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications

Baake M, Gähler F, Mazáč J (2024)
Israel Journal of Chemistry .

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
In the last 30 years, the mathematical theory of aperiodic order has developed enormously. Many new tilings and properties have been discovered, few of which are covered or anticipated by the early papers and books. Here, we start from the well-known Fibonacci chain to explain some of them, with pointers to various generalisations as well as to higher-dimensional phenomena and results. This should give some entry points to the modern literature on the subject. image
Mathematical quasicrystals; substitution and inflation; embedding; method; model sets; Rauzy fractals; spectral theory; diffraction; topological aspects; dynamical systems
Israel Journal of Chemistry
Page URI


Baake M, Gähler F, Mazáč J. On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications. Israel Journal of Chemistry . 2024.
Baake, M., Gähler, F., & Mazáč, J. (2024). On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications. Israel Journal of Chemistry . https://doi.org/10.1002/ijch.202300155
Baake, Michael, Gähler, Franz, and Mazáč, Jan. 2024. “On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications”. Israel Journal of Chemistry .
Baake, M., Gähler, F., and Mazáč, J. (2024). On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications. Israel Journal of Chemistry .
Baake, M., Gähler, F., & Mazáč, J., 2024. On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications. Israel Journal of Chemistry .
M. Baake, F. Gähler, and J. Mazáč, “On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications”, Israel Journal of Chemistry , 2024.
Baake, M., Gähler, F., Mazáč, J.: On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications. Israel Journal of Chemistry . (2024).
Baake, Michael, Gähler, Franz, and Mazáč, Jan. “On the Fibonacci Tiling and its Modern Ramifications”. Israel Journal of Chemistry (2024).

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