Assignment markets: Theory and experiments

Dolgopolov A, Houser D, Martinelli C, Stratmann T (2024)
European Economic Review: 104738.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Dolgopolov, ArturUniBi ; Houser, Daniel; Martinelli, Cesar; Stratmann, Thomas
Abstract / Bemerkung
We experimentally test convergence to the core in two-sided markets for heterogeneous indivisible goods under different trading institutions. We use bargaining and strategic games as predictors that naturally generalize the core, accommodating non-equilibrium behavior. The performance of the competing theories reflects the differences in trading procedures—market outcomes are close to Nash equilibrium predictions under auction-like institutions and close to bargaining for institutions that feature decentralized negotiations. This difference may be driving the documented effect of fewer no-trade outcomes at the expense of a higher chance of suboptimal match under free-form bargaining.
Assignment Laboratory experiment Competitive equilibrium Bargaining
European Economic Review
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Dolgopolov A, Houser D, Martinelli C, Stratmann T. Assignment markets: Theory and experiments. European Economic Review. 2024: 104738.
Dolgopolov, A., Houser, D., Martinelli, C., & Stratmann, T. (2024). Assignment markets: Theory and experiments. European Economic Review, 104738.
Dolgopolov, Artur, Houser, Daniel, Martinelli, Cesar, and Stratmann, Thomas. 2024. “Assignment markets: Theory and experiments”. European Economic Review: 104738.
Dolgopolov, A., Houser, D., Martinelli, C., and Stratmann, T. (2024). Assignment markets: Theory and experiments. European Economic Review:104738.
Dolgopolov, A., et al., 2024. Assignment markets: Theory and experiments. European Economic Review, : 104738.
A. Dolgopolov, et al., “Assignment markets: Theory and experiments”, European Economic Review, 2024, : 104738.
Dolgopolov, A., Houser, D., Martinelli, C., Stratmann, T.: Assignment markets: Theory and experiments. European Economic Review. : 104738 (2024).
Dolgopolov, Artur, Houser, Daniel, Martinelli, Cesar, and Stratmann, Thomas. “Assignment markets: Theory and experiments”. European Economic Review (2024): 104738.

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