Winter food selection and exploratory behavior vary with natal territory characteristics in wild great tits
Serrano-Davies E, Bircher N, Sepers B, van Oers K (2023)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77(6): 69.

**Significance statement**
Individuals vary in how they behaviorally adapt foraging and food selection strategies to the environmental conditions. A number of studies have shown that animals develop behavioral characteristics fitted to their rearing environment. However, how habitat characteristics during rearing shape the foraging strategy that animals use to face winter conditions is still unknown. We studied these links in yearling great tits using automated feeders that recorded their visits during winter. Fledglings with a higher exploratory score were born in territories with lower quality habitat characteristics and visited the feeders more. Furthermore, we found an association between caterpillar availability and tree species composition in the rearing territory of juveniles and their subsequent food selection in winter. Our study indicates that certain environmental conditions might favor the development of particular behaviors in birds and that early nutrition could shape food choice later in life.