Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird

Bertram J, Bichet C, Moiron Cacharron M, Schupp PJ, Bouwhuis S (2024)
Science of the Total Environment 927: 172330.

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Bertram, Justine; Bichet, Coraline; Moiron Cacharron, MariaUniBi; Schupp, Peter J; Bouwhuis, Sandra
Abstract / Bemerkung
Mercury levels in the environment are increasing, such that they are also expected to accumulate in top-predators, but individual-based longitudinal studies required to investigate this are rare. Between 2017 and 2023, we therefore collected 1314 blood samples from 588 individual common terns (Sterna hirundo) to examine how total blood mercury concentration changed with age, and whether this differed between the sexes. Blood mercury concentrations were highly variable, but all exceeded toxicity thresholds above which adverse health effects were previously observed. A global model showed blood mercury to be higher in older birds of both sexes. Subsequent models partitioning the age effect into within- and among-individual components revealed a linear within-individual accumulation with age in females, and a decelerating within-individual accumulation with age in males. Time spent at the (particularly contaminated) breeding grounds prior to sampling, as well as egg laying in females, were also found to affect mercury concentrations. As such, our study provides evidence that male and female common terns differentially accumulate mercury in their blood as they grow older and calls for further studies of the underlying mechanisms as well as its consequences for fitness components, such as reproductive performance and survival. Copyright © 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Science of the Total Environment
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Bertram J, Bichet C, Moiron Cacharron M, Schupp PJ, Bouwhuis S. Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird. Science of the Total Environment. 2024;927: 172330.
Bertram, J., Bichet, C., Moiron Cacharron, M., Schupp, P. J., & Bouwhuis, S. (2024). Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird. Science of the Total Environment, 927, 172330.
Bertram, Justine, Bichet, Coraline, Moiron Cacharron, Maria, Schupp, Peter J, and Bouwhuis, Sandra. 2024. “Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird”. Science of the Total Environment 927: 172330.
Bertram, J., Bichet, C., Moiron Cacharron, M., Schupp, P. J., and Bouwhuis, S. (2024). Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird. Science of the Total Environment 927:172330.
Bertram, J., et al., 2024. Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird. Science of the Total Environment, 927: 172330.
J. Bertram, et al., “Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird”, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 927, 2024, : 172330.
Bertram, J., Bichet, C., Moiron Cacharron, M., Schupp, P.J., Bouwhuis, S.: Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird. Science of the Total Environment. 927, : 172330 (2024).
Bertram, Justine, Bichet, Coraline, Moiron Cacharron, Maria, Schupp, Peter J, and Bouwhuis, Sandra. “Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird”. Science of the Total Environment 927 (2024): 172330.

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