Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine

Belov F, Gazizova A, Bork H, Gröger H, von Langermann J (2024)
ChemBioChem .

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Belov, Feodor; Gazizova, Alina; Bork, HannahUniBi; Gröger, HaraldUniBi; von Langermann, Jan
Abstract / Bemerkung
This study explores a combination of the concept of enantioselective enzymatic synthesis of beta-chiral amines through transamination with in situ product crystallization (ISPC) to overcome product inhibition. Using 2-phenylpropanal as a readily available and easily racemizing substrate of choice, (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine ((R)-2-phenylpropan-1-amine) concentrations of up to 250 mM and enantiomeric excesses of up to 99 % are achieved when using a commercially available transaminase from Ruegeria pomeroyi in a fed-batch based dynamic kinetic resolution reaction on preparative scale. The source of substrate decomposition during the reaction is also investigated and the resulting unwanted byproduct formation is successfully reduced to insignificant levels. © 2024 Wiley‐VCH GmbH.
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Belov F, Gazizova A, Bork H, Gröger H, von Langermann J. Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine. ChemBioChem . 2024.
Belov, F., Gazizova, A., Bork, H., Gröger, H., & von Langermann, J. (2024). Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine. ChemBioChem .
Belov, Feodor, Gazizova, Alina, Bork, Hannah, Gröger, Harald, and von Langermann, Jan. 2024. “Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine”. ChemBioChem .
Belov, F., Gazizova, A., Bork, H., Gröger, H., and von Langermann, J. (2024). Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine. ChemBioChem .
Belov, F., et al., 2024. Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine. ChemBioChem .
F. Belov, et al., “Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine”, ChemBioChem , 2024.
Belov, F., Gazizova, A., Bork, H., Gröger, H., von Langermann, J.: Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine. ChemBioChem . (2024).
Belov, Feodor, Gazizova, Alina, Bork, Hannah, Gröger, Harald, and von Langermann, Jan. “Crystallization assisted dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of (R)-beta-methylphenethylamine”. ChemBioChem (2024).

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