Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network

Wang Z, Wang H, Tian C, Jin Y (2024)
Neurocomputing: 127627.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Wang, Zhaoxin; Wang, Handing; Tian, Cong; Jin, YaochuUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Adversarial examples (AEs) pose a significant threat to the security and reliability of deep neural networks. Adversarial training (AT) is one of the effective defense methods, involving the integration of a number of generated AEs into the training process to enhance model robustness. However, the computational cost associated with AE generation is unbearable, particularly for large-scale tasks. In pursuit of fast AT, many algorithms generate AEs by adopting a simple attack strategy, but they often sacrifice the quality of AEs and suffer from catastrophic overfitting, resulting in suboptimal model robustness. To address these issues, our approach incorporates multi-fidelity optimization, which employs a dynamic attack strategy to generate AEs with varying fidelity within a suitable range. Furthermore, we introduce a surrogate-assisted fidelity estimation module at the beginning of our proposed algorithm, allowing for the adaptive determination of the fidelity range tailored to specific tasks. Comparative experiments with seven state-of-the-art algorithms on three networks and three datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm obtains a competitive robust accuracy but spends only 50% of the training time of the projected gradient descent algorithm.
Deep neural networks; Fast adversarial training; Multi-fidelity optimization; Surrogate-assisted
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Wang Z, Wang H, Tian C, Jin Y. Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network. Neurocomputing. 2024: 127627.
Wang, Z., Wang, H., Tian, C., & Jin, Y. (2024). Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network. Neurocomputing, 127627. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2024.127627
Wang, Zhaoxin, Wang, Handing, Tian, Cong, and Jin, Yaochu. 2024. “Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network”. Neurocomputing: 127627.
Wang, Z., Wang, H., Tian, C., and Jin, Y. (2024). Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network. Neurocomputing:127627.
Wang, Z., et al., 2024. Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network. Neurocomputing, : 127627.
Z. Wang, et al., “Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network”, Neurocomputing, 2024, : 127627.
Wang, Z., Wang, H., Tian, C., Jin, Y.: Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network. Neurocomputing. : 127627 (2024).
Wang, Zhaoxin, Wang, Handing, Tian, Cong, and Jin, Yaochu. “Efficient adversarial training with multi-fidelity optimization for robust neural network”. Neurocomputing (2024): 127627.

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