Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research

Sharma V (21.12.2023)
The Mooknayak.

Blogbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Higher Education; Social Justice; Caste; Indian University
The Mooknayak
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Sharma V. Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research. The Mooknayak. 21.12.2023.
Sharma, V. (21.12.2023). Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research. The Mooknayak
Sharma, Vidyasagar. 21.12.2023. “Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research”. The Mooknayak.
Sharma, V. 21.12.2023 Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research. The Mooknayak.
Sharma, V., 21.12.2023 Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research. The Mooknayak.
V. Sharma, “Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research”, The Mooknayak, 21.12.2023.
Sharma, V.: Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research. The Mooknayak. 21.12.2023.
Sharma, Vidyasagar. “Why Collaboration between Varsity and Private Industry Will be a Catastrophe for Social Justice Projects in Higher Edu Research”. The Mooknayak (21.12.2023).

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