Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe

Wicker P, Cunningham GB, Webb T (2024)
Journal of Sport Management.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Wicker, PamelaUniBi; Cunningham, George B.; Webb, Tom
Abstract / Bemerkung
This study examines the factors affecting women officials’ intention to leave their chosen sport, including personal, work-related, and sociocultural factors. The empirical analysis is based on survey data of women officials in 69 different sports across Europe (n = 3,214). Overall, 10.7% of women expressed a turnover intention. Regression analyses indicate that this intention is higher for women who have more officiating experience (16–20 years), officiate at lower levels of sport (grassroots, junior), frequently experience abuse, and dislike the stress and time commitments of officiating, lack of support from the federation, and their lack of opportunity to progress. Younger women (≤24 years) with a mentor, who enjoy being part of a sport community and live in a more gender equal society are less likely to leave. The findings suggest that multiple factors are at work, which need to be addressed by sport managers to retain women in officiating roles.
Journal of Sport Management
Page URI


Wicker P, Cunningham GB, Webb T. Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe . Journal of Sport Management. 2024.
Wicker, P., Cunningham, G. B., & Webb, T. (2024). Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe . Journal of Sport Management. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsm.2023-0162
Wicker, Pamela, Cunningham, George B., and Webb, Tom. 2024. “Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe ”. Journal of Sport Management.
Wicker, P., Cunningham, G. B., and Webb, T. (2024). Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe . Journal of Sport Management.
Wicker, P., Cunningham, G.B., & Webb, T., 2024. Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe . Journal of Sport Management.
P. Wicker, G.B. Cunningham, and T. Webb, “Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe ”, Journal of Sport Management, 2024.
Wicker, P., Cunningham, G.B., Webb, T.: Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe . Journal of Sport Management. (2024).
Wicker, Pamela, Cunningham, George B., and Webb, Tom. “Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe ”. Journal of Sport Management (2024).

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