An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems

Liu S, Yan X, Jin Y (2024)
Knowledge-Based Systems: 111559.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
In recent years, there has been a notable surge in research on machine learning techniques for combinatorial optimization. It has been shown that learning-based methods outperform traditional heuristics and mathematical solvers on the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) in terms of both performance and computational efficiency. However, most learning-based TSP solvers are primarily designed for fixed-scale TSP instances, and also require a large number of training samples to achieve optimal performance. To fill this gap, this work proposes a data-driven graph representation learning method for solving TSPs with various numbers of cities. Specifically, we formulate the TSP as a link prediction task and propose an edge-aware graph autoencoder (EdgeGAE) model that can solve TSPs by learning from various-scale samples with an imbalanced distribution. A residual gated encoder is trained to learn latent edge embeddings, followed by an edge-centered decoder to output link predictions in an end-to-end manner. Furthermore, we introduce an active sampling strategy into the training process to improve the model’s generalization capability in large-scale scenarios. To investigate the model’s practical applicability, we generate a scale-imbalanced dataset comprising 50,000 TSP instances ranging from 50 to 500 cities. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed edge-aware graph autoencoder model achieves a highly competitive performance among state-of-the-art graph learning-based approaches in solving TSPs with various scales, implying its remarkable potential in dealing with practical optimization challenges.
Traveling salesman problem Graph neural network Link prediction Neural combinatorial optimization
Knowledge-Based Systems
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Liu S, Yan X, Jin Y. An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2024: 111559.
Liu, S., Yan, X., & Jin, Y. (2024). An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems. Knowledge-Based Systems, 111559.
Liu, Shiqing, Yan, Xueming, and Jin, Yaochu. 2024. “An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems”. Knowledge-Based Systems: 111559.
Liu, S., Yan, X., and Jin, Y. (2024). An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems. Knowledge-Based Systems:111559.
Liu, S., Yan, X., & Jin, Y., 2024. An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems. Knowledge-Based Systems, : 111559.
S. Liu, X. Yan, and Y. Jin, “An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems”, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024, : 111559.
Liu, S., Yan, X., Jin, Y.: An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems. Knowledge-Based Systems. : 111559 (2024).
Liu, Shiqing, Yan, Xueming, and Jin, Yaochu. “An edge-aware graph autoencoder trained on scale-imbalanced data for traveling salesman problems”. Knowledge-Based Systems (2024): 111559.

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