Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production

Sawant KR, Sarnaik AP, Singh R, Savvashe P, Baier T, Kruse O, Jutur PP, Lali A, Pandit RA (2024)
Bioresource Technology: 130513.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Sawant, Kaustubh R.; Sarnaik, Aditya P.; Singh, Rabinder; Savvashe, Prashant; Baier, ThomasUniBi ; Kruse, OlafUniBi ; Jutur, Pannaga Pavan; Lali, Arvind; Pandit, Reena A.
Abstract / Bemerkung
Demonstrating outdoor cultivation of engineered microalgae at considerable scales is essential for their prospective large-scale deployment. Hence, this study focuses on the outdoor cultivation of an engineered Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strain, 3XAgBs-SQs, for bisabolene production under natural dynamic conditions of light and temperature. Our preliminary outdoor experiments showed improved growth, but frequent culture collapses in conventional Tris-acetate-phosphate medium. In contrast, modified high-salt medium (HSM) supported prolonged cell survival, outdoor. However, their subsequent outdoor scale-up from 250 mL to 5 L in HSM was effective with 10 g/L bicarbonate supplementation. Pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry and metabolomic analysis further validated their improved photosynthesis and uncompromised metabolic fluxes towards the biomass and the products (natural carotenoids and engineered bisabolene). These strains could produce 906 mg/L bisabolene and 54 mg/L carotenoids, demonstrating the first successful outdoor photoautotrophic cultivation of engineered C. reinhardtii, establishing it as a one-cell two-wells biorefinery.
Bioresource Technology
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Sawant KR, Sarnaik AP, Singh R, et al. Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production. Bioresource Technology. 2024: 130513.
Sawant, K. R., Sarnaik, A. P., Singh, R., Savvashe, P., Baier, T., Kruse, O., Jutur, P. P., et al. (2024). Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production. Bioresource Technology, 130513. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2024.130513
Sawant, Kaustubh R., Sarnaik, Aditya P., Singh, Rabinder, Savvashe, Prashant, Baier, Thomas, Kruse, Olaf, Jutur, Pannaga Pavan, Lali, Arvind, and Pandit, Reena A. 2024. “Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production”. Bioresource Technology: 130513.
Sawant, K. R., Sarnaik, A. P., Singh, R., Savvashe, P., Baier, T., Kruse, O., Jutur, P. P., Lali, A., and Pandit, R. A. (2024). Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production. Bioresource Technology:130513.
Sawant, K.R., et al., 2024. Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production. Bioresource Technology, : 130513.
K.R. Sawant, et al., “Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production”, Bioresource Technology, 2024, : 130513.
Sawant, K.R., Sarnaik, A.P., Singh, R., Savvashe, P., Baier, T., Kruse, O., Jutur, P.P., Lali, A., Pandit, R.A.: Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production. Bioresource Technology. : 130513 (2024).
Sawant, Kaustubh R., Sarnaik, Aditya P., Singh, Rabinder, Savvashe, Prashant, Baier, Thomas, Kruse, Olaf, Jutur, Pannaga Pavan, Lali, Arvind, and Pandit, Reena A. “Outdoor cultivation and metabolomics exploration of Chlamydomonas engineered for bisabolene production”. Bioresource Technology (2024): 130513.

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