Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit
Kaczmarek O, Shanker R, Sharma S (2023)
Physical Review D 108(9): 094501.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kaczmarek, OlafUniBi
Shanker, Ravi;
Sharma, Sayantan

Abstract / Bemerkung
We calculate the eigenmodes of the highly improved staggered quark matrix near the chiral crossover transition in QCD with 2 + 1 flavors with the aim to gain more insights into its temperature dependence. On performing the continuum extrapolation, we do not observe any gap opening up in the infrared part of the eigenvalue density of the QCD Dirac operator; instead we observe a peak. The existence of the peak and oscillations of the infrared eigenmodes can be understood in terms of an interacting ensemble of instantons. From the properties of the continuum extrapolated eigenspectrum we further show that the anomalous UA(1) part of the chiral symmetry is not effectively restored simultaneously along with its nonsinglet counterpart. We provide an explanation for this observation, further showing interesting connections between the anomalous UA(1) restoration and the change in the infrared part of the eigenvalue distribution.
Physical Review D
Page URI
Kaczmarek O, Shanker R, Sharma S. Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit. Physical Review D . 2023;108(9): 094501.
Kaczmarek, O., Shanker, R., & Sharma, S. (2023). Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit. Physical Review D , 108(9), 094501. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.108.094501
Kaczmarek, Olaf, Shanker, Ravi, and Sharma, Sayantan. 2023. “Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit”. Physical Review D 108 (9): 094501.
Kaczmarek, O., Shanker, R., and Sharma, S. (2023). Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit. Physical Review D 108:094501.
Kaczmarek, O., Shanker, R., & Sharma, S., 2023. Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit. Physical Review D , 108(9): 094501.
O. Kaczmarek, R. Shanker, and S. Sharma, “Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit”, Physical Review D , vol. 108, 2023, : 094501.
Kaczmarek, O., Shanker, R., Sharma, S.: Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit. Physical Review D . 108, : 094501 (2023).
Kaczmarek, Olaf, Shanker, Ravi, and Sharma, Sayantan. “Eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac matrix with improved staggered quarks in the continuum limit”. Physical Review D 108.9 (2023): 094501.
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