Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups

Porath S, Neumann B, Stammler H-G, Hoge B (2024)
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 27(5): 10.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The introduction of a number of unsaturated fluorinated and chlorinated substituents onto gallium and indium was investigated. Gallate, [GaR4]-, and indate, [InR4]-, anions with trifluorovinyl (CF=CF2), 1-chloro-2,2-difluorovinyl (CCl=CF2), (E)-pentafluoropropen-1-yl (E-CF=CFCF3), 3,3,3-trifluoropropynyl (C equivalent to C-CF3) and dichloromethyl (CHCl2) substituents were synthesized and isolated as the respective tetraphenylphosphonium salts. The respective gallate and indate salts were characterized by various methods, including NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and X-ray diffraction analysis. The generation of the respective organyllithium reagents, required for the syntheses of the gallate and indates, was performed starting from commercially available materials. This series of novel gallate and indate salts extends the chemistry of electron withdrawing groups to gallium and indium compounds. A host of perfluorinated unsaturated electron withdrawing groups are introduced to gallium and indium in the form of novel gallate and indate salts. These gallates and indates constitute an important first step for future investigations into the respective strong Lewis acids.image
electron withdrawing groups; gallium; indium; Lewis acids; weakly; coordinating ion
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
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Porath S, Neumann B, Stammler H-G, Hoge B. Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry . 2024;27(5):10.
Porath, S., Neumann, B., Stammler, H. - G., & Hoge, B. (2024). Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry , 27(5), 10.
Porath, Sven, Neumann, Beate, Stammler, Hans-Georg, and Hoge, Berthold. 2024. “Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups”. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 27 (5): 10.
Porath, S., Neumann, B., Stammler, H. - G., and Hoge, B. (2024). Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 27, 10.
Porath, S., et al., 2024. Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry , 27(5), p 10.
S. Porath, et al., “Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups”, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry , vol. 27, 2024, pp. 10.
Porath, S., Neumann, B., Stammler, H.-G., Hoge, B.: Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry . 27, 10 (2024).
Porath, Sven, Neumann, Beate, Stammler, Hans-Georg, and Hoge, Berthold. “Gallate and Indate Salts with Unsaturated Electron Withdrawing Groups”. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 27.5 (2024): 10.
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