Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison
Grüneweller N, Leunig J, Zderic I, Gueorguiev B, Wähnert D, Vordemvenne T (2023)
Journal of Clinical Medicine 13(1): 194.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Grüneweller, NiklasUniBi;
Leunig, Julia;
Zderic, Ivan;
Gueorguiev, Boyko;
Wähnert, DirkUniBi;
Vordemvenne, ThomasUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
(1) Background: Demographic changes over the past decade have had a significant impact on pelvic ring fractures. They have increased dramatically in the orthogeriatric population. Surgeons are faced with implant fixation issues in the treatment of these fragility fractures. This study compares two innovative implants for stabilizing the iliosacral joint in a biomechanical setting. (2) Methods: An iliosacral screw with a preassembled plate allowing the placement of an additional short, angular stable screw in the ilium and a triangular fixation system consisting of a fenestrated ilium screw and an iliosacral screw quasi-statically inserted through the "fenestra" were instrumented in osteoporotic artificial bone models with a simulated Denis zone 1 fracture. Biomechanical testing was performed on a servo-hydraulic testing machine using increasing, synchronous axial and torsional sinusoidal cyclic loading to failure. (3) Results: The SI-Plate and TriFix showed comparable stiffness values. The values for fracture gap angle and screw tip cutout were significantly lower for the TriFix compared to the SI-Plate. In addition, the number of cycles to failure was significantly higher for the TriFix. (4) Conclusions: Implant anchorage and primary stability can be improved in iliosacral instability using the triangular stabilization system.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI
Grüneweller N, Leunig J, Zderic I, Gueorguiev B, Wähnert D, Vordemvenne T. Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023;13(1): 194.
Grüneweller, N., Leunig, J., Zderic, I., Gueorguiev, B., Wähnert, D., & Vordemvenne, T. (2023). Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(1), 194.
Grüneweller, Niklas, Leunig, Julia, Zderic, Ivan, Gueorguiev, Boyko, Wähnert, Dirk, and Vordemvenne, Thomas. 2023. “Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison”. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (1): 194.
Grüneweller, N., Leunig, J., Zderic, I., Gueorguiev, B., Wähnert, D., and Vordemvenne, T. (2023). Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13:194.
Grüneweller, N., et al., 2023. Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(1): 194.
N. Grüneweller, et al., “Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 13, 2023, : 194.
Grüneweller, N., Leunig, J., Zderic, I., Gueorguiev, B., Wähnert, D., Vordemvenne, T.: Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 13, : 194 (2023).
Grüneweller, Niklas, Leunig, Julia, Zderic, Ivan, Gueorguiev, Boyko, Wähnert, Dirk, and Vordemvenne, Thomas. “Stabilization of Traumatic Iliosacral Instability Using Innovative Implants: A Biomechanical Comparison”. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13.1 (2023): 194.
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