A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders
Möllmann A, Heinrichs N, Herwig A (2024)
Frontiers in Psychology 14: 1231640.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Abstract / Bemerkung
Many mental disorders are accompanied by distortions in the way the own body is perceived and represented (e.g., eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder including muscle dysmorphia, or body integrity dysphoria). We are interested in the way these distortions develop and aim at better understanding their role in mental health across the lifespan. For this purpose, we first propose a conceptual framework of body representation that defines this construct and integrates different perspectives (e.g., cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychology) on body representations. The framework consists of a structural and a process model of body representation emphasizing different goals: thestructural modelaims to support researchers from different disciplines to structure results from studies and help collectively accumulate knowledge about body representations and their role in mental disorders. Theprocess modelis reflecting the dynamics during the information processing of body-related stimuli. It aims to serve as a motor for (experimental) study development on how distorted body representations emerge and might be changed. Second, we use this framework to review the normative development of body representations as well as the development of mental disorders that relate to body representations with the aim to further clarify the potential transdiagnostic role of body representations.
Frontiers in Psychology
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI
Möllmann A, Heinrichs N, Herwig A. A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders. Frontiers in Psychology. 2024;14: 1231640.
Möllmann, A., Heinrichs, N., & Herwig, A. (2024). A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1231640. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1231640
Möllmann, Anne, Heinrichs, Nina, and Herwig, Arvid. 2024. “A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders”. Frontiers in Psychology 14: 1231640.
Möllmann, A., Heinrichs, N., and Herwig, A. (2024). A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders. Frontiers in Psychology 14:1231640.
Möllmann, A., Heinrichs, N., & Herwig, A., 2024. A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders. Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1231640.
A. Möllmann, N. Heinrichs, and A. Herwig, “A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders”, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 14, 2024, : 1231640.
Möllmann, A., Heinrichs, N., Herwig, A.: A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders. Frontiers in Psychology. 14, : 1231640 (2024).
Möllmann, Anne, Heinrichs, Nina, and Herwig, Arvid. “A conceptual framework on body representations and their relevance for mental disorders”. Frontiers in Psychology 14 (2024): 1231640.
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Preprint: 10.31234/osf.io/gsepz
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