Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions
Pfrommer J, Meyer A, Tierney K (2024)
European Journal of Operational Research 313(3): 1054-1071.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Pfrommer, Jakob;
Meyer, Anne;
Tierney, KevinUniBi 

Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für BWL, Decision and Operation Technologies
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Technologische Innovation, Marktentwicklung und Entrepreneurship
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Department Management Science & Business Analytics
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Technologische Innovation, Marktentwicklung und Entrepreneurship
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Department Management Science & Business Analytics
Abstract / Bemerkung
Block stacking storage systems are highly adaptable warehouse systems with low investment costs. With multiple, deep lanes they can achieve high storage densities, but accessing some unit loads can be timeconsuming. The unit-load pre-marshalling problem sorts the unit loads in a block stacking storage system in off-peak time periods to prepare for upcoming orders. The goal is to find a minimum number of unitload moves needed to sequence a storage bay in ascending order based on the retrieval priority group of each unit load. In this paper, we present two solution approaches for determining the minimum number of unit-load moves. We show that for storage bays with one access direction, it is possible to adapt existing, exact tree search procedures and lower bound heuristics from the container pre-marshalling problem. For multiple access directions, we develop a novel, two-step solution approach based on a network flow model and an A* algorithm with an adapted lower bound that is applicable for all possible access direction combinations. We further analyze the performance of the presented solutions in computational experiments for randomly generated problem instances and show that multiple access directions greatly reduce both the total access time of unit loads and the required sorting effort. (c) 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Block stacking warehouse;
Tree search;
Autonomous mobile robots
European Journal of Operational Research
Page URI
Pfrommer J, Meyer A, Tierney K. Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions. European Journal of Operational Research. 2024;313(3):1054-1071.
Pfrommer, J., Meyer, A., & Tierney, K. (2024). Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 313(3), 1054-1071.
Pfrommer, Jakob, Meyer, Anne, and Tierney, Kevin. 2024. “Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions”. European Journal of Operational Research 313 (3): 1054-1071.
Pfrommer, J., Meyer, A., and Tierney, K. (2024). Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions. European Journal of Operational Research 313, 1054-1071.
Pfrommer, J., Meyer, A., & Tierney, K., 2024. Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 313(3), p 1054-1071.
J. Pfrommer, A. Meyer, and K. Tierney, “Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 313, 2024, pp. 1054-1071.
Pfrommer, J., Meyer, A., Tierney, K.: Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions. European Journal of Operational Research. 313, 1054-1071 (2024).
Pfrommer, Jakob, Meyer, Anne, and Tierney, Kevin. “Solving the unit-load pre-marshalling problem in block stacking storage systems with multiple access directions”. European Journal of Operational Research 313.3 (2024): 1054-1071.
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