Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope
Ortkraß H, Wiebusch G, Linnenbrügger J, Schürstedt J, Szafranska K, McCourt P, Huser T (2023)
Optics Express 31(24): 40210-40220.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Ortkraß, HenningUniBi;
Wiebusch, GerdUniBi;
Linnenbrügger, Jochen;
Schürstedt, JasminUniBi;
Szafranska, Karolina;
McCourt, Peter;
Huser, ThomasUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
In super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) the separation between opposing laser spots in the back focal plane of the objective lens affects the pattern periodicity, and, thus, the resulting spatial resolution. Here, we introduce a novel hexagonal prism telescope which allows us to seamlessly change the separation between parallel laser beams for 3 pairs of beams, simultaneously. Each end of the prism telescope is composed of 6 Littrow prisms, which are custom-ground so they can be grouped together in the form of a tight hexagon. By changing the distance between the hexagons, the beam separation can be adjusted. This allows us to easily control the position of opposing laser spots in the back focal plane and seamlessly adjust the spatial frequency of the resulting interference pattern. This also enables the seamless transition from 2D-SIM to total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) excitation using objective lenses with a high numerical aperture. In linear SR-SIM the highest spatial resolution can be achieved for extreme TIRF angles. The prism telescope allows us to investigate how the spatial resolution and contrast depend on the angle of incidence near, at, and beyond the critical angle. We demonstrate this by imaging the cytoskeleton and plasma membrane of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, which have a characteristic morphology consisting of thousands of small, transcellular pores that can only be observed by super-resolution microscopy.
Optics Express
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI
Ortkraß H, Wiebusch G, Linnenbrügger J, et al. Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope. Optics Express. 2023;31(24): 40210-40220.
Ortkraß, H., Wiebusch, G., Linnenbrügger, J., Schürstedt, J., Szafranska, K., McCourt, P., & Huser, T. (2023). Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope. Optics Express, 31(24), 40210-40220.
Ortkraß, Henning, Wiebusch, Gerd, Linnenbrügger, Jochen, Schürstedt, Jasmin, Szafranska, Karolina, McCourt, Peter, and Huser, Thomas. 2023. “Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope”. Optics Express 31 (24): 40210-40220.
Ortkraß, H., Wiebusch, G., Linnenbrügger, J., Schürstedt, J., Szafranska, K., McCourt, P., and Huser, T. (2023). Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope. Optics Express 31:40210-40220.
Ortkraß, H., et al., 2023. Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope. Optics Express, 31(24): 40210-40220.
H. Ortkraß, et al., “Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope”, Optics Express, vol. 31, 2023, : 40210-40220.
Ortkraß, H., Wiebusch, G., Linnenbrügger, J., Schürstedt, J., Szafranska, K., McCourt, P., Huser, T.: Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope. Optics Express. 31, : 40210-40220 (2023).
Ortkraß, Henning, Wiebusch, Gerd, Linnenbrügger, Jochen, Schürstedt, Jasmin, Szafranska, Karolina, McCourt, Peter, and Huser, Thomas. “Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope”. Optics Express 31.24 (2023): 40210-40220.
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