Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids

Kühne L, Roulleau X (2023) .

Preprint | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kühne, LukasUniBi ; Roulleau, Xavier
Abstract / Bemerkung
We investigate the matroid realization space of a specific deformation of the regular $n$-gon with its lines of symmetry. It turns out that these particular realization spaces are birational to the elliptic modular surfaces $Ξ_{1}(n)$ over the modular curve $X_1(n)$. We obtain in that way a model of $Ξ_{1}(n)$ defined over the rational numbers. Furthermore, a natural geometric operator acts on these matroid realizations. On the elliptic modular surface this operator corresponds to the multiplication by $-2$ on the elliptic curves. That gives a new geometric way to compute the multiplication by $-2$ on elliptic curves.
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Kühne L, Roulleau X. Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids. 2023.
Kühne, L., & Roulleau, X. (2023). Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids.
Kühne, Lukas, and Roulleau, Xavier. 2023. “Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids”.
Kühne, L., and Roulleau, X. (2023). Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids.
Kühne, L., & Roulleau, X., 2023. Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids.
L. Kühne and X. Roulleau, “Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids”, 2023.
Kühne, L., Roulleau, X.: Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids. (2023).
Kühne, Lukas, and Roulleau, Xavier. “Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids”. (2023).

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arXiv: 2312.03470

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