Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag"

Haupt S, Pantsar M (06.08.2022)

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Haupt, Stefanie; Pantsar, Markus
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Haupt S, Pantsar M. Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag". c:o/re-blog. 06.08.2022.
Haupt, S., & Pantsar, M. (06.08.2022). Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag". c:o/re-blog
Haupt, Stefanie, and Pantsar, Markus. 06.08.2022. “Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag"”. c:o/re-blog.
Haupt, S., and Pantsar, M. 06.08.2022 Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag". c:o/re-blog.
Haupt, S., & Pantsar, M., 06.08.2022 Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag". c:o/re-blog.
S. Haupt and M. Pantsar, “Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag"”, c:o/re-blog, 06.08.2022.
Haupt, S., Pantsar, M.: Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag". c:o/re-blog. 06.08.2022.
Haupt, Stefanie, and Pantsar, Markus. “Interview-Reihe: The Notebook. "I liked the idea of carrying my research in just one bag"”. c:o/re-blog (06.08.2022).

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