’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle

Steinitz M (2019)
In: Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present . Kaltmeier O, Raussert W (Eds); InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict. New York: Routledge: 88-106.

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Kaltmeier, Olaf; Raussert, Wilfried
Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present
InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict
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Steinitz M. ’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle. In: Kaltmeier O, Raussert W, eds. Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present . InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict. New York: Routledge; 2019: 88-106.
Steinitz, M. (2019). ’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle. In O. Kaltmeier & W. Raussert (Eds.), InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict. Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present (pp. 88-106). New York: Routledge.
Steinitz, Matti. 2019. “’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle”. In Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present , ed. Olaf Kaltmeier and Wilfried Raussert, 88-106. InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict. New York: Routledge.
Steinitz, M. (2019). “’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle” in Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present , Kaltmeier, O., and Raussert, W. eds. InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict (New York: Routledge), 88-106.
Steinitz, M., 2019. ’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle. In O. Kaltmeier & W. Raussert, eds. Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present . InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict. New York: Routledge, pp. 88-106.
M. Steinitz, “’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle”, Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present , O. Kaltmeier and W. Raussert, eds., InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict, New York: Routledge, 2019, pp.88-106.
Steinitz, M.: ’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle. In: Kaltmeier, O. and Raussert, W. (eds.) Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present . InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict. p. 88-106. Routledge, New York (2019).
Steinitz, Matti. “’Calling Out Around the World’ - How Soul music transnationalized the African-American freedom struggle”. Sonic Politics. Music and Social Movements in the Americas from the 1960s to the present . Ed. Olaf Kaltmeier and Wilfried Raussert. New York: Routledge, 2019. InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict. 88-106.
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Sonic Politics : Music and Social Movements in the Americas
Kaltmeier O, Raussert W (Eds) (2019) InterAmerican Research: contact, communication, conflict; ASHSER-1426.
London: Routedge.

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