Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth
Eves RJ, Baumann N, Bilgin A, Schnitzlein D, Richter D, Wolke D, Lemola S (2023)
Scientific Reports 13(1): 21233.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Eves, Robert JohnUniBi;
Baumann, Nicole;
Bilgin, Ayten;
Schnitzlein, Daniel;
Richter, David;
Wolke, Dieter;
Lemola, SakariUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
The current study tested whether the reported lower wellbeing of parents after preterm birth, relative to term birth, is a continuation of a pre-existing difference before pregnancy. Parents from Germany (the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, N=10,649) and the United Kingdom (British Household Panel Study and Understanding Society, N=11,012) reported their new-born's birthweight and gestational age, subsequently categorised as very preterm or very low birthweight (VP/VLBW, <32weeks or <1500g), moderately/late preterm or low birthweight (MLP/LBW, ≥32weeks and <37weeks/≥1500g and <2500g), or term-born (≥37weeks and ≥2500g). Mixed models were used to analyse life satisfaction, an aspect of wellbeing, at four assessments-two years and six months before birth and six months and two years afterwards. Two years before birth, satisfaction of prospective term-born, MLP/LBW, or VP/VLBW mothers did not significantly differ. However, mothers of VP/VLBWs had lower satisfaction relative to mothers of term-borns at both assessments post-birth. Among fathers, satisfaction levels were similarly equivalent two years before birth. Subsequently, fathers of VP/VLBWs temporarily differed in satisfaction six months post-birth relative to fathers of term-borns. Results indicate that parents' lower life satisfaction after VP/VLBW birth is not a continuation of pre-existing life satisfaction differences. © 2023. The Author(s).
Scientific Reports
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
Page URI
Eves RJ, Baumann N, Bilgin A, et al. Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth. Scientific Reports . 2023;13(1): 21233.
Eves, R. J., Baumann, N., Bilgin, A., Schnitzlein, D., Richter, D., Wolke, D., & Lemola, S. (2023). Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth. Scientific Reports , 13(1), 21233.
Eves, Robert John, Baumann, Nicole, Bilgin, Ayten, Schnitzlein, Daniel, Richter, David, Wolke, Dieter, and Lemola, Sakari. 2023. “Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth”. Scientific Reports 13 (1): 21233.
Eves, R. J., Baumann, N., Bilgin, A., Schnitzlein, D., Richter, D., Wolke, D., and Lemola, S. (2023). Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth. Scientific Reports 13:21233.
Eves, R.J., et al., 2023. Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth. Scientific Reports , 13(1): 21233.
R.J. Eves, et al., “Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth”, Scientific Reports , vol. 13, 2023, : 21233.
Eves, R.J., Baumann, N., Bilgin, A., Schnitzlein, D., Richter, D., Wolke, D., Lemola, S.: Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth. Scientific Reports . 13, : 21233 (2023).
Eves, Robert John, Baumann, Nicole, Bilgin, Ayten, Schnitzlein, Daniel, Richter, David, Wolke, Dieter, and Lemola, Sakari. “Parents' life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth”. Scientific Reports 13.1 (2023): 21233.
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