The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress

Duda A, Reifegerste D (2023)
Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Englisch
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Duda, AnnabellUniBi ; Reifegerste, Doreen
European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC)
Klagenfurt, Österreich
2023-11-15 – 2023-11-17
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Duda A, Reifegerste D. The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress. Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich.
Duda, A., & Reifegerste, D. (2023). The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress. Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich.
Duda, Annabell, and Reifegerste, Doreen. 2023. “The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress”. Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich .
Duda, A., and Reifegerste, D. (2023).“The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress”. Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich.
Duda, A., & Reifegerste, D., 2023. The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress. Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich.
A. Duda and D. Reifegerste, “The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress”, Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich, 2023.
Duda, A., Reifegerste, D.: The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress. Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich (2023).
Duda, Annabell, and Reifegerste, Doreen. “The potential of the method Group Concept Mapping to improve research about environmental health literacy among socially disadvantaged groups – Research in Progress”. Presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), Klagenfurt, Österreich, 2023.

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