Matroids in OSCAR

Corey D, Kühne L, Schröter B (2023)

Preprint | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Corey, Daniel; Kühne, LukasUniBi ; Schröter, Benjamin
Abstract / Bemerkung
OSCAR is an innovative new computer algebra system which combines and extends the power of its four cornerstone systems - GAP (group theory), Singular (algebra and algebraic geometry), Polymake (polyhedral geometry), and Antic (number theory). Here, we present parts of the module handeling matroids in OSCAR, which will appear as a chapter of the upcoming OSCAR book. A matroid is a fundamental and actively studied object in combinatorics. Matroids generalize linear dependency in vector spaces as well as many aspects of graph theory. Moreover, matroids form a cornerstone of tropical geometry and a deep link between algebraic geometry and combinatorics. Our focus lies in particular on computing the realization space and the Chow ring of a matroid.
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Corey D, Kühne L, Schröter B. Matroids in OSCAR. arXiv:2311.08792. 2023.
Corey, D., Kühne, L., & Schröter, B. (2023). Matroids in OSCAR. arXiv:2311.08792.
Corey, Daniel, Kühne, Lukas, and Schröter, Benjamin. 2023. “Matroids in OSCAR”. arXiv:2311.08792.
Corey, D., Kühne, L., and Schröter, B. (2023). Matroids in OSCAR. arXiv:2311.08792.
Corey, D., Kühne, L., & Schröter, B., 2023. Matroids in OSCAR. arXiv:2311.08792.
D. Corey, L. Kühne, and B. Schröter, “Matroids in OSCAR”, arXiv:2311.08792, 2023.
Corey, D., Kühne, L., Schröter, B.: Matroids in OSCAR. arXiv:2311.08792. (2023).
Corey, Daniel, Kühne, Lukas, and Schröter, Benjamin. “Matroids in OSCAR”. arXiv:2311.08792 (2023).

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