Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball

Böer NT, Weigelt M, Schütz C, Güldenpenning I (2023)
Psychological Research: 523-534.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Böer, Nils Tobias; Weigelt, Matthias; Schütz, ChristophUniBi ; Güldenpenning, Iris
Abstract / Bemerkung
Previous research indicates that performing passes with a head fake in basketball leads to increased response initiation times and errors as compared to performing a pass without a head fake. These so-called fake production costs only occurred when not given the time to mentally prepare the deceptive movement. In the current study, we investigated if extensive practice could reduce the cognitive costs of producing a pass with head fake. Twenty-four basketball novices participated in an experiment on five consecutive days. A visual cue prompted participants to play a pass with or without a head fake either to the left or right side. The cued action had to be executed after an interstimulus interval (ISI) of either 0 ms, 400 ms, 800 ms or 1200 ms, allowing for different movement preparation times. Results indicated higher response initiation times (ITs) and error rates (ERs) for passes with head fakes for the short preparation intervals (ISI 0 ms and 400 ms) on the first day but no difference for the longer preparation intervals (ISI 800 ms and 1200 ms). After only one day of practice, participants showed reduced fake production costs (for ISI 0 ms) and were even able to eliminate these cognitive costs when given time to mentally prepare the movement (for ISI 400 ms). Accordingly, physical practice can reduce the cognitive costs associated with head-fake generation. This finding is discussed against the background of the strengthening of stimulus response associations.
Psychological Research
523 - 534
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Böer NT, Weigelt M, Schütz C, Güldenpenning I. Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball. Psychological Research. 2023:523-534.
Böer, N. T., Weigelt, M., Schütz, C., & Güldenpenning, I. (2023). Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball. Psychological Research, 523-534.
Böer, Nils Tobias, Weigelt, Matthias, Schütz, Christoph, and Güldenpenning, Iris. 2023. “Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball”. Psychological Research, 523-534.
Böer, N. T., Weigelt, M., Schütz, C., and Güldenpenning, I. (2023). Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball. Psychological Research, 523-534.
Böer, N.T., et al., 2023. Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball. Psychological Research, , p 523-534.
N.T. Böer, et al., “Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball”, Psychological Research, 2023, pp. 523-534.
Böer, N.T., Weigelt, M., Schütz, C., Güldenpenning, I.: Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball. Psychological Research. 523-534 (2023).
Böer, Nils Tobias, Weigelt, Matthias, Schütz, Christoph, and Güldenpenning, Iris. “Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball”. Psychological Research (2023): 523-534.

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