(De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames

Schaller S, Wiedicke A, Reifegerste D, Temmann LJ (2023)
Journal of Health Communication.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Schaller, Sophia; Wiedicke, Annemarie; Reifegerste, DoreenUniBi; Temmann, Linn Julia
Abstract / Bemerkung
Responsibility frames on social media could shape recipients' responses toward people with depression, which is crucial for the public (de)stigmatization of the mental disorder. Thus, the present study examines the effects of different responsibility frames (individual, social, combination) in Instagram-posts about depression on respondents' related attributions as well as their emotional and behavioral reactions toward people suffering from the illness. Our online-experiment (N = 1,015) revealed that frames emphasizing the responsibility of one's social network (e.g. family, friends and professionals) for depression, i.e. social frames, strengthened participants' attributions to the social network, i.e. social attributions, most effectively. Individual frames, however, primarily intensified individual attributions to those affected by depression. Contrary to previous findings, a combination frame did not prove to increase recipients' social attributions more than a one-sided social frame. For emotional and behavioral responses, we did not find any effects of responsibility frames compared to the control group-possibly due to buffering effects of the narrative structure of the Instagram posts.
Journal of Health Communication
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Schaller S, Wiedicke A, Reifegerste D, Temmann LJ. (De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames. Journal of Health Communication. 2023.
Schaller, S., Wiedicke, A., Reifegerste, D., & Temmann, L. J. (2023). (De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames. Journal of Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10810730.2023.2266702
Schaller, Sophia, Wiedicke, Annemarie, Reifegerste, Doreen, and Temmann, Linn Julia. 2023. “(De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames”. Journal of Health Communication.
Schaller, S., Wiedicke, A., Reifegerste, D., and Temmann, L. J. (2023). (De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames. Journal of Health Communication.
Schaller, S., et al., 2023. (De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames. Journal of Health Communication.
S. Schaller, et al., “(De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames”, Journal of Health Communication, 2023.
Schaller, S., Wiedicke, A., Reifegerste, D., Temmann, L.J.: (De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames. Journal of Health Communication. (2023).
Schaller, Sophia, Wiedicke, Annemarie, Reifegerste, Doreen, and Temmann, Linn Julia. “(De)Stigmatizing Depression on Social Media: The Role of Responsibility Frames”. Journal of Health Communication (2023).

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