Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013)
Adair G (2023)
In: The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations. Butt N, Scherr A, Nünning A (Eds); WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium, 25. 169-184.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Butt, Nadia;
Scherr, Alexander;
Nünning, Ansgar
The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations
WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium
Page URI
Adair G. Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013). In: Butt N, Scherr A, Nünning A, eds. The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations. WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium. Vol 25. 2023: 169-184.
Adair, G. (2023). Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013). In N. Butt, A. Scherr, & A. Nünning (Eds.), WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium: Vol. 25. The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations (pp. 169-184).
Adair, Gigi. 2023. “Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013)”. In The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations, ed. Nadia Butt, Alexander Scherr, and Ansgar Nünning, 25:169-184. WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium.
Adair, G. (2023). “Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013)” in The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations, Butt, N., Scherr, A., and Nünning, A. eds. WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium, vol. 25, 169-184.
Adair, G., 2023. Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013). In N. Butt, A. Scherr, & A. Nünning, eds. The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations. WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium. no.25 pp. 169-184.
G. Adair, “Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013)”, The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations, N. Butt, A. Scherr, and A. Nünning, eds., WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium, vol. 25, 2023, pp.169-184.
Adair, G.: Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013). In: Butt, N., Scherr, A., and Nünning, A. (eds.) The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations. WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium. 25, p. 169-184. (2023).
Adair, Gigi. “Queer Diasporic Bodies, Caribbean Urbanity, and Global Flows: Shani Mootoo's Valmiki's Daughter (2008) and Oonya Kempadoo's All Decent Animals (2013)”. The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Contexts - Literary Developments - Model Interpretations. Ed. Nadia Butt, Alexander Scherr, and Ansgar Nünning. 2023.Vol. 25. WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium. 169-184.