{"type_old":["journalEditor","journaleditor","journal_editor"],"first_contributor":"Bücker, Diana","intvolume":"         6","year":"2020","_id":"2983277","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"quality_controlled":"1","title":"Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University ","type":"journal_editor","status":"public","publisher":"wbv Publikation","publication_identifier":{"eissn":["2199-8825"]},"date_updated":"2023-10-03T07:37:51Z","date_created":"2023-10-02T15:45:36Z","publication":"die hochschullehre","editor":[{"first_name":"Diana","last_name":"Bücker","full_name":"Bücker, Diana"},{"first_name":"Nerea","full_name":"Vöing, Nerea","last_name":"Vöing"}],"doi":"10.3278/HSL2013W","citation":{"dgps":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University . (2020). Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University .  (D.  Bücker &amp; N.  Vöing, Hrsg.)<em>die hochschullehre</em>, <em>6</em>, 221-241. wbv Publikation. doi:10.3278/HSL2013W.</div>","harvard1":"D.   Bücker &amp; N.   Vöing, eds., 2020. Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University . <em>die hochschullehre</em>, 6, p 221-241.","frontiers":"Bücker, D., and Vöing, N. eds. (2020). Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University . <em>die hochschullehre</em> 6, 221-241.","lncs":" Bücker, D., Vöing, N. eds: Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University . die hochschullehre. 6, 221-241 (2020).","apa":"Bücker D., &amp; Vöing N. (Eds.) (2020). Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University . <em>die hochschullehre</em>, <em>6</em>, 221-241. <a href=\"https://doi.org/10.3278/HSL2013W\" target=\"_blank\">https://doi.org/10.3278/HSL2013W</a>","mla":"Diana  Bücker and Nerea  Vöing, eds. “Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University ”. <em>die hochschullehre</em> 6 (2020): 221-241.","angewandte-chemie":"“Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University ”, <em>die hochschullehre</em>, <strong>2020</strong>, <em>6</em>, 221-241.","ama":"Bücker D, Vöing N, eds. Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University . <em>die hochschullehre</em>. 2020;6:221-241.","default":"Bücker D, Vöing N (Eds) (2020) <br /><em>die hochschullehre</em> 6: 221-241.","chicago":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Bücker, Diana, and Vöing, Nerea, eds. 2020. “Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University ”. <em>die hochschullehre</em> 6: 221-241.</div>","ieee":" D.  Bücker and N.  Vöing, eds., “Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University ”, <em>die hochschullehre</em>,  vol. 6, 2020,  pp. 221-241.","bio1":"Bücker D, Vöing N (Eds) (2020) <br />Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University .<br />die hochschullehre 6: 221-241.","wels":"Diana  Bücker; Nerea  Vöing (Hrsg.) (2020): Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University , In: Diana  Bücker; Nerea  Vöing (Hrsg.), <em>die hochschullehre</em>,6: 221-241.","apa_indent":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Bücker D., &amp; Vöing N. (Eds.) (2020). Intercultural Learning in Summer Schools in Higher Education – A case study on the International Summer School of the Department of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University . <em>die hochschullehre</em>, <em>6</em>, 221-241. <a href=\"https://doi.org/10.3278/HSL2013W\" target=\"_blank\">https://doi.org/10.3278/HSL2013W</a></div>"},"user_id":"439446243","publication_status":"published","volume":6,"main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/pdf/10.3278/HSL2013W"}],"page":"221-241","extern":"1"}