Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study
STROTOTTE LM, May T, LAKER S, LATKA E, THAEMEL D, Thies K-C, Rehberg S, Jansen G (2023)
Minerva Anestesiologica.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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May, TheodorUniBi;
LAKER, Stefan;
LATKA, Eugen;
THAEMEL, Daniel;
Thies, Karl-ChristianUniBi
Rehberg, SebastianUniBi;
Jansen, GerritUniBi

Abstract / Bemerkung
Background: In contrast to the pre-hospital environment, patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest are usually lying in a hospital bed. Interestingly, there are no current recommendations for optimal provider positioning. The present study evaluates in bed chest compression quality in different provider positions during in-hospital-cardiac-arrest.
Methods: Paramedics conducted four resuscitation scenarios: manikin lying on the floor with provider position kneeling next to the manikin (control group), manikin lying in a hospital bed with the provider kneeling astride, kneeling beside or standing next to the manikin. A resuscitation board was not used according to the current guideline recommendations. Quality of resuscitation, compression depth, compression rate and percentage of compressions with complete chest rebound were recorded. Afterwards, the paramedics were asked about subjective efficiency and fatigue. Data were analyzed using Generalized-Linear-Mixed-Models and, in addition, by non-parametric Friedman test.
Results: A total of 60 participants were recruited. The total quality of chest compressions was significantly higher in floor-based control position compared to the standing (P<.001) and both kneeling positions (P<.05). Also, the compression depth was significantly more guideline compliant in the control (P<.001) and the kneeling position (P<.05) compared to the standing position. The compression frequency as well as the complete chest wall recoil did not differ significantly. The standing position was rated as more fatiguing than the other positions (p≤0.001), kneeling beside as subjectively more efficient than the standing position (P<0.001).
Conclusions: In case of an in-bed resuscitation high quality chest compressions are possible. Kneeling astride or beside the patient should be preferred because these positions demonstrated a good chest compression quality and were more efficient and less exhaustive.
Minerva Anestesiologica
Page URI
STROTOTTE LM, May T, LAKER S, et al. Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study. Minerva Anestesiologica. 2023.
STROTOTTE, L. M., May, T., LAKER, S., LATKA, E., THAEMEL, D., Thies, K. - C., Rehberg, S., et al. (2023). Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study. Minerva Anestesiologica. https://doi.org/10.23736/S0375-9393.23.17390-1
STROTOTTE, Lisa M., May, Theodor, LAKER, Stefan, LATKA, Eugen, THAEMEL, Daniel, Thies, Karl-Christian, Rehberg, Sebastian, and Jansen, Gerrit. 2023. “Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study”. Minerva Anestesiologica.
STROTOTTE, L. M., May, T., LAKER, S., LATKA, E., THAEMEL, D., Thies, K. - C., Rehberg, S., and Jansen, G. (2023). Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study. Minerva Anestesiologica.
STROTOTTE, L.M., et al., 2023. Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study. Minerva Anestesiologica.
L.M. STROTOTTE, et al., “Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study”, Minerva Anestesiologica, 2023.
STROTOTTE, L.M., May, T., LAKER, S., LATKA, E., THAEMEL, D., Thies, K.-C., Rehberg, S., Jansen, G.: Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study. Minerva Anestesiologica. (2023).
STROTOTTE, Lisa M., May, Theodor, LAKER, Stefan, LATKA, Eugen, THAEMEL, Daniel, Thies, Karl-Christian, Rehberg, Sebastian, and Jansen, Gerrit. “Efficacy of in-bed chest compressions depending on provider position during in-hospital cardiac arrest: a controlled manikin study”. Minerva Anestesiologica (2023).
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