Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power
Vasilache A (2023)
Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 48(4): 242–267.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
This article deals with the role that different rationalities of power play in current authoritarian and right-wing populist governance. Referring to Foucauldian power theory, I will argue that power rationalities and practices in current authoritarian and right-wing populist rule are diverse and variable. I intend to show that various aspects of the sovereign, disciplinary, governmental, and pastoral types of power as outlined by Foucault play an important role in contemporary authoritarianism and right-wing populism. Thereby, this article pursues a twofold aim. On the one hand, the Foucauldian discussion of power in authoritarian and populist rationalities and practices should contribute to better understand current phenomena of new authoritarianism and right-wing populism. On the other hand, the following considerations should also provide a more detailed theoretical insight into the relation between, and compatibilities as well as incompatibilities of, the different types of power described by Foucault.
new authoritarianism;
right-wing populism;
Michel Foucault;
theory of power;
international liberal order;
international political theory
Alternatives: Global, Local, Political
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Page URI
Vasilache A. Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. 2023;48(4):242–267.
Vasilache, A. (2023). Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 48(4), 242–267.
Vasilache, Andreas. 2023. “Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power”. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 48 (4): 242–267.
Vasilache, A. (2023). Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 48, 242–267.
Vasilache, A., 2023. Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 48(4), p 242–267.
A. Vasilache, “Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power”, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, vol. 48, 2023, pp. 242–267.
Vasilache, A.: Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. 48, 242–267 (2023).
Vasilache, Andreas. “Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power”. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 48.4 (2023): 242–267.
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