Faces of Cosmological Polytopes

Kühne L, Monin L (Submitted)
ArXiv: 2209.08069.

Preprint | Eingereicht | Englisch
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Kühne, LukasUniBi ; Monin, Leonid
Abstract / Bemerkung
A cosmological polytope is a lattice polytope introduced by Arkani-Hamed, Benincasa, and Postnikov in their study of the wavefunction of the universe in a class of cosmological models. More concretely, they construct a cosmological polytope for any Feynman diagram, i.e. an undirected graph. In this paper, we initiate a combinatorial study of these polytopes. We give a complete description of their faces, identify minimal faces that are not simplices and compute the number of faces in specific instances. In particular, we give a recursive description of the f-vector of cosmological polytopes of trees.
ArXiv: 2209.08069
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Kühne L, Monin L. Faces of Cosmological Polytopes. ArXiv: 2209.08069. Submitted.
Kühne, L., & Monin, L. (Submitted). Faces of Cosmological Polytopes. ArXiv: 2209.08069. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2209.08069
Kühne, Lukas, and Monin, Leonid. Submitted. “Faces of Cosmological Polytopes”. ArXiv: 2209.08069.
Kühne, L., and Monin, L. (Submitted). Faces of Cosmological Polytopes. ArXiv: 2209.08069.
Kühne, L., & Monin, L., Submitted. Faces of Cosmological Polytopes. ArXiv: 2209.08069.
L. Kühne and L. Monin, “Faces of Cosmological Polytopes”, ArXiv: 2209.08069, Submitted.
Kühne, L., Monin, L.: Faces of Cosmological Polytopes. ArXiv: 2209.08069. (Submitted).
Kühne, Lukas, and Monin, Leonid. “Faces of Cosmological Polytopes”. ArXiv: 2209.08069 (Submitted).

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