Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration

Timm S, Eisenhut M (2023)
Trends in Plant Science .

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Timm, Stefan; Eisenhut, MarionUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Photorespiration is inevitable for oxygenic photosynthesis. It has fascinated researchers over decades because of its multicompartmental organization. Recently, Lin and Tsay identified a vacuole glycerate transporter contributing to photorespiratory metabolism under short-term nitrogen depletion. This key finding adds a fifth interacting subcellular compartment and extends the photorespiratory metabolic repair module. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Trends in Plant Science
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Timm S, Eisenhut M. Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration. Trends in Plant Science . 2023.
Timm, S., & Eisenhut, M. (2023). Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration. Trends in Plant Science .
Timm, Stefan, and Eisenhut, Marion. 2023. “Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration”. Trends in Plant Science .
Timm, S., and Eisenhut, M. (2023). Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration. Trends in Plant Science .
Timm, S., & Eisenhut, M., 2023. Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration. Trends in Plant Science .
S. Timm and M. Eisenhut, “Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration”, Trends in Plant Science , 2023.
Timm, S., Eisenhut, M.: Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration. Trends in Plant Science . (2023).
Timm, Stefan, and Eisenhut, Marion. “Four plus one: vacuoles serve in photorespiration”. Trends in Plant Science (2023).

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