Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action

Dietze N, Poth CH (2023)
Acta Psychologica 238: 103991.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 2.20 MB
Abstract / Bemerkung
Successful behaviour requires that humans act promptly upon the ubiquitous rapid changes in the environment. Prompt actions are supported by phasic alertness, the increased readiness for perception and action elicited by warning stimuli (alerting cues). Audition is assumed to induce phasic alertness for action faster and more strongly than other senses. Here, we show that vision can be equally effective as audition. We investigated the temporal evolution and the effectiveness of visual and auditory alerting for action in a speeded choice task, while controlling for basic sensitivity differences between the modalities that are unrelated to action control (by matching auditory and visual stimuli according to reaction times in a prior simple detection task). Results revealed that alerting sped up responses, but this happened equally fast and equally strong for visual and auditory alerting cues. Thus, these findings argue that vision rivals audition in phasic alerting for prompt actions, and suggest that the underlying mechanisms work across both modalities. Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cognitive control; Action; Perception Phasic alertness; Arousal; Choice reaction; Temporal expectation
Acta Psychologica
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Dietze N, Poth CH. Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action. Acta Psychologica. 2023;238: 103991.
Dietze, N., & Poth, C. H. (2023). Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action. Acta Psychologica, 238, 103991.
Dietze, Niklas, and Poth, Christian H. 2023. “Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action”. Acta Psychologica 238: 103991.
Dietze, N., and Poth, C. H. (2023). Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action. Acta Psychologica 238: 103991.
Dietze, N., & Poth, C.H., 2023. Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action. Acta Psychologica, 238: 103991.
N. Dietze and C.H. Poth, “Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action”, Acta Psychologica, vol. 238, 2023, : 103991.
Dietze, N., Poth, C.H.: Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action. Acta Psychologica. 238, : 103991 (2023).
Dietze, Niklas, and Poth, Christian H. “Vision rivals audition in alerting humans for fast action”. Acta Psychologica 238 (2023): 103991.
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