Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy

Erbar M, Huesmann M, Jalowy J, M\ B (2023)

Preprint | Englisch
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Erbar, MatthiasUniBi; Huesmann, Martin; Jalowy, Jonas; M\, Bastian
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Erbar M, Huesmann M, Jalowy J, M\ B. Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy. arXiv:2304.11145. 2023.
Erbar, M., Huesmann, M., Jalowy, J., & M\, B. (2023). Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy. arXiv:2304.11145
Erbar, Matthias, Huesmann, Martin, Jalowy, Jonas, and M\, Bastian. 2023. “Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy”. arXiv:2304.11145.
Erbar, M., Huesmann, M., Jalowy, J., and M\, B. (2023). Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy. arXiv:2304.11145.
Erbar, M., et al., 2023. Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy. arXiv:2304.11145.
M. Erbar, et al., “Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy”, arXiv:2304.11145, 2023.
Erbar, M., Huesmann, M., Jalowy, J., M\, B.: Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy. arXiv:2304.11145. (2023).
Erbar, Matthias, Huesmann, Martin, Jalowy, Jonas, and M\, Bastian. “Optimal transport of stationary point processes: Metric structure, gradient flow and convexity of the specific entropy”. arXiv:2304.11145 (2023).

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