Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures

Bieker P (2024)
International Mathematics Research Notices.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
We construct integral models for moduli spaces of shtukas with deeper Bruhat-Tits level structures. We embed the moduli space of global shtukas for a deeper Bruhat-Tits group scheme into the limit of the moduli spaces of shtukas for all associated parahoric group schemes. Its schematic image defines an integral model of the moduli space of shtukas with deeper Bruhat-Tits level with favourable properties. They admit proper, surjective and generically étale level maps as well as a natural Newton stratification. In the Drinfeld case, this general construction of integral models recovers the moduli space of Drinfeld shtukas with Drinfeld level structures.
International Mathematics Research Notices
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Bieker P. Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures. International Mathematics Research Notices. 2024.
Bieker, P. (2024). Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures. International Mathematics Research Notices.
Bieker, Patrick. 2024. “Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures”. International Mathematics Research Notices.
Bieker, P. (2024). Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures. International Mathematics Research Notices.
Bieker, P., 2024. Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures. International Mathematics Research Notices.
P. Bieker, “Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024.
Bieker, P.: Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures. International Mathematics Research Notices. (2024).
Bieker, Patrick. “Integral Models of Moduli Spaces of Shtukas with Deep Bruhat-Tits Level Structures”. International Mathematics Research Notices (2024).

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