Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana

Kabriku PC, Ansah EW, Hagan Junior JE (2023)
Infectious Disease Reports 15(3): 255-266.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 310.46 KB
Kabriku, Peter Claver; Ansah, Edward Wilson; Hagan Junior, John ElvisUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
OBJECTIVE: To investigate sexual behavior changes adopted by People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (PLHIV) on Antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the Northern Region of Ghana.; METHODS: We employed a cross-sectional survey with a questionnaire to collect data from 900 clients from 9 major ART centers within the region. Chi-square and logistic regression analyses were applied to the data.; RESULTS: More than 50% of PLHIV on ART use condoms, reduce sexual partners, practice abstinence, reduce unprotected sex with married/regular partners, and avoid casual sex. Fear of others getting to know patients' HIV-positive status (chi2 = 7.916, p = 0.005), stigma (chi2 = 5.201, p = 0.023), and fear of loss of family support (chi2 = 4.211, p = 0.040) significantly predict non-disclosure of HIV-positive status among the participants. Change in sexual behavior is influenced by the following: "to avoid spreading the disease to others" (R2 = 0.043, F (1, 898) = 40.237, p < 0.0005), "to avoid contracting other STIs" (R2 = 0.010, F (1, 898) = 8.937, p < 0.0005), "to live long" (R2 = 0.038, F (1, 898) = 35.816, p < 0.0005), "to hide HIV-positive status" (R2 = 0.038, F (1, 898) = 35.587, p < 0.0005), "to achieve good results from ART treatment" (R2 = 0.005, F (1, 898) = 4. 282, p < 0.05), and "to live a Godly life" (R2 = 0.023, F (1, 898) = 20. 880, p < 0.0005).; CONCLUSIONS: High self-disclosure rate of HIV-positive status was identified, with participants disclosing to their spouses or parents. Reasons for disclosure and non-disclosure differed from person to person.
PLHIV; disclosure status; sexual behavior change; ART; Ghana
Infectious Disease Reports
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Kabriku PC, Ansah EW, Hagan Junior JE. Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana. Infectious Disease Reports . 2023;15(3):255-266.
Kabriku, P. C., Ansah, E. W., & Hagan Junior, J. E. (2023). Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana. Infectious Disease Reports , 15(3), 255-266. https://doi.org/10.3390/idr15030026
Kabriku, Peter Claver, Ansah, Edward Wilson, and Hagan Junior, John Elvis. 2023. “Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana”. Infectious Disease Reports 15 (3): 255-266.
Kabriku, P. C., Ansah, E. W., and Hagan Junior, J. E. (2023). Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana. Infectious Disease Reports 15, 255-266.
Kabriku, P.C., Ansah, E.W., & Hagan Junior, J.E., 2023. Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana. Infectious Disease Reports , 15(3), p 255-266.
P.C. Kabriku, E.W. Ansah, and J.E. Hagan Junior, “Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana”, Infectious Disease Reports , vol. 15, 2023, pp. 255-266.
Kabriku, P.C., Ansah, E.W., Hagan Junior, J.E.: Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana. Infectious Disease Reports . 15, 255-266 (2023).
Kabriku, Peter Claver, Ansah, Edward Wilson, and Hagan Junior, John Elvis. “Positive Status Disclosure and Sexual Risk Behavior Changes among People Living with HIV in the Northern Region of Ghana”. Infectious Disease Reports 15.3 (2023): 255-266.
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