Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain
Rausch R, Peschke M, Plorin C, Schnack J, Karrasch C (2023)
SciPost Physics 14(3): 052.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Rausch, Roman;
Peschke, Matthias;
Plorin, Cassian;
Schnack, JürgenUniBi
Karrasch, Christoph

Abstract / Bemerkung
The ferrimagnetic phase of the sawtooth chain with mixed ferromagnetic nearest -neighbour interactions J and antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour interactions J' (within the isotropic Heisenberg model) was previously characterized as a phase with commensurate order. In this paper, we demonstrate that the system in fact exhibits an incommensurate quantum spin spiral. Even though the ground state is translationally invariant in terms of the local spin expectations (S-i), the spiral can be detected via the connected spin-spin correlations (S-i) . (S-j) - (S-i) . (S-j) between the apical spins. It has a long wavelength that grows with J' and that soon exceeds finite-system sizes typically employed in numerical simulations. A faithful treatment thus requires the use of state-of-the-art simulations for large, periodic systems. In this work, we are able to accurately treat up to L = 400 sites (200 unit cells) with periodic boundary conditions using the density-matrix renormaliztion group (DMRG). Exploiting the SU(2) symmetry allows us to directly compute the lowest-energy state for a given total spin. Our results are corrob-orated by variational uniform matrix product state (VUMPS) calculations, which work directly in the thermodynamic limit at the cost of a lower accuracy.
SciPost Physics
Page URI
Rausch R, Peschke M, Plorin C, Schnack J, Karrasch C. Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain. SciPost Physics. 2023;14(3): 052.
Rausch, R., Peschke, M., Plorin, C., Schnack, J., & Karrasch, C. (2023). Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain. SciPost Physics, 14(3), 052. https://doi.org/10.21468/SciPostPhys.14.3.052
Rausch, Roman, Peschke, Matthias, Plorin, Cassian, Schnack, Jürgen, and Karrasch, Christoph. 2023. “Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain”. SciPost Physics 14 (3): 052.
Rausch, R., Peschke, M., Plorin, C., Schnack, J., and Karrasch, C. (2023). Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain. SciPost Physics 14:052.
Rausch, R., et al., 2023. Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain. SciPost Physics, 14(3): 052.
R. Rausch, et al., “Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain”, SciPost Physics, vol. 14, 2023, : 052.
Rausch, R., Peschke, M., Plorin, C., Schnack, J., Karrasch, C.: Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain. SciPost Physics. 14, : 052 (2023).
Rausch, Roman, Peschke, Matthias, Plorin, Cassian, Schnack, Jürgen, and Karrasch, Christoph. “Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain”. SciPost Physics 14.3 (2023): 052.
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