Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion
Brandhorst R (2023)
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 1-19.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Brandhorst, R.
Abstract / Bemerkung
In this article I focus on older Australian-Vietnamese refugees’ social
capital, referring to Bourdieu’s capital approach, drawing on a
narrative-biographical, ethnographic and qualitative network
analytical study. To stay in touch with kin and the diaspora across
distances the older refugees developed digital literacy. I term this
form of capital ‘transnational digital social capital’. It is a
consequence from the diasporic experience, as the loss of
economic and material capital during forced displacement
produced a stronger reliance on social capital. This ‘transnational
digital social capital’ can be seen as resource for social inclusion
(1) with relatives in the country of origin and other countries, (2)
within the diaspora and (3) in the society of settlement.
Furthermore, it can be conceptualised as an additional care
resource. Linking the scholarship on transnational social capital
with the literature on the role of digital technologies for refugees,
the concept ‘transnational digital social capital’ provides new
insights into digital literacy and use as a form of social and
cultural capital.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Page URI
Brandhorst R. Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2023:1-19.
Brandhorst, R. (2023). Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2023.2208738
Brandhorst, R. 2023. “Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-19.
Brandhorst, R. (2023). Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-19.
Brandhorst, R., 2023. Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, , p 1-19.
R. Brandhorst, “Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2023, pp. 1-19.
Brandhorst, R.: Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 1-19 (2023).
Brandhorst, R. “Older Vietnamese refugees’ transnational digital social capital and its impact on social inclusion”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2023): 1-19.
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