Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment

Schray D, Westerbeck D, Braun J, Lan Y, Gomez-Coca S, Wernsdorfer W, Ruiz E, Anson CE, Schnack J, Powell AK (2023)
Inorganic Chemistry 62(17): 6642-6648.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schray, Dirk; Westerbeck, DennisUniBi; Braun, Jonas; Lan, Yanhua; Gomez-Coca, Silvia; Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang; Ruiz, Eliseo; Anson, Christopher E; Schnack, JürgenUniBi ; Powell, Annie K
Abstract / Bemerkung
The synthesis, structural, and magnetic characterization of [FeIII4LnIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] (Ln = Gd and Y) and the previously reported isostructural Dy analogue are discussed. The commonly held belief that both FeIII and GdIII can be regarded as isotropic ions is shown to be an oversimplification. This conclusion is derived from the magnetic data for the YIII analogue in terms of the zero-field splitting seen for FeIII and from the fact that the magnetic data for the new GdIII analogue can only be fit employing an additional anisotropy term for the GdIII ions. Furthermore, the Fe4Gd4 ring shows slow relaxation of magnetization. Our analysis of the experimental magnetic data employs both density functional theory as well as the finite-temperature Lanczos method which finally enables us to provide an almost perfect fit of magnetocaloric properties.
Inorganic Chemistry
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Schray D, Westerbeck D, Braun J, et al. Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment. Inorganic Chemistry . 2023;62(17):6642-6648.
Schray, D., Westerbeck, D., Braun, J., Lan, Y., Gomez-Coca, S., Wernsdorfer, W., Ruiz, E., et al. (2023). Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment. Inorganic Chemistry , 62(17), 6642-6648. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c00042
Schray, Dirk, Westerbeck, Dennis, Braun, Jonas, Lan, Yanhua, Gomez-Coca, Silvia, Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang, Ruiz, Eliseo, Anson, Christopher E, Schnack, Jürgen, and Powell, Annie K. 2023. “Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment”. Inorganic Chemistry 62 (17): 6642-6648.
Schray, D., Westerbeck, D., Braun, J., Lan, Y., Gomez-Coca, S., Wernsdorfer, W., Ruiz, E., Anson, C. E., Schnack, J., and Powell, A. K. (2023). Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment. Inorganic Chemistry 62, 6642-6648.
Schray, D., et al., 2023. Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment. Inorganic Chemistry , 62(17), p 6642-6648.
D. Schray, et al., “Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment”, Inorganic Chemistry , vol. 62, 2023, pp. 6642-6648.
Schray, D., Westerbeck, D., Braun, J., Lan, Y., Gomez-Coca, S., Wernsdorfer, W., Ruiz, E., Anson, C.E., Schnack, J., Powell, A.K.: Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment. Inorganic Chemistry . 62, 6642-6648 (2023).
Schray, Dirk, Westerbeck, Dennis, Braun, Jonas, Lan, Yanhua, Gomez-Coca, Silvia, Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang, Ruiz, Eliseo, Anson, Christopher E, Schnack, Jürgen, and Powell, Annie K. “Fe-Gd Ferromagnetic Cyclic Coordination Cluster [FeIII4GdIII4(teaH)8(N3)8(H2O)] with Magnetic Anisotropy─Theory and Experiment”. Inorganic Chemistry 62.17 (2023): 6642-6648.

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