Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break

Winkelmann D, Deutscher C, Ötting M (2021)
Applied Economics 53(26): 3054-3064.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020 led to a shutdown of economic activities in Europe. This included the sports sector since public gatherings were prohibited. The German Bundesliga was among the first sport leagues realizing a restart without spectators. Several recent studies suggest that the home advantage of teams eroded for the remaining matches. Our paper analyses the reaction by bookmakers to the disappearance of such home advantage. We show that bookmakers had problems to adjust the betting odds in accordance with the disappeared home advantage, opening opportunities for profitable betting strategies.
Applied Economics
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Winkelmann D, Deutscher C, Ötting M. Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break. Applied Economics. 2021;53(26):3054-3064.
Winkelmann, D., Deutscher, C., & Ötting, M. (2021). Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break. Applied Economics, 53(26), 3054-3064.
Winkelmann, David, Deutscher, Christian, and Ötting, Marius. 2021. “Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break”. Applied Economics 53 (26): 3054-3064.
Winkelmann, D., Deutscher, C., and Ötting, M. (2021). Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break. Applied Economics 53, 3054-3064.
Winkelmann, D., Deutscher, C., & Ötting, M., 2021. Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break. Applied Economics, 53(26), p 3054-3064.
D. Winkelmann, C. Deutscher, and M. Ötting, “Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break”, Applied Economics, vol. 53, 2021, pp. 3054-3064.
Winkelmann, D., Deutscher, C., Ötting, M.: Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break. Applied Economics. 53, 3054-3064 (2021).
Winkelmann, David, Deutscher, Christian, and Ötting, Marius. “Bookmakers’ mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break”. Applied Economics 53.26 (2021): 3054-3064.
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Essays on Advanced Analytics for Logistics Operations and Sports Economics
Winkelmann D (2024)
Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.

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