A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures

Tziotzi TG, Gracia D, Dalgarno SJ, Schnack J, Evangelisti M, Brechin EK, Milios CJ (2023)
Journal of the American Chemical Society 145(14): 7743-7747.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Tziotzi, Thomais G; Gracia, David; Dalgarno, Scott J; Schnack, JürgenUniBi ; Evangelisti, Marco; Brechin, Euan K; Milios, Constantinos J
Abstract / Bemerkung
Reaction of Gd(OAc)3·4H2O, salicylaldehyde and CH3ONa in MeCN/MeOH affords [Gd12Na6(OAc)25(HCO2)5(CO3)6(H2O)12]·9H2O.0.5MeCN (1·9H2O.0.5MeCN), whose structure describes a quadruple-wheel consisting of two {Na3} and two {Gd6} rings. The magnetic properties of 1 reveal very weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the GdIII ions, which give rise to a record magnetocaloric effect at low applied magnetic fields and low temperatures. The magnetic entropy change reaches -DeltaSm= 29.3 J kg-1 K-1 for full demagnetization from B = 1 T at T = 0.5 K.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
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Tziotzi TG, Gracia D, Dalgarno SJ, et al. A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2023;145(14):7743-7747.
Tziotzi, T. G., Gracia, D., Dalgarno, S. J., Schnack, J., Evangelisti, M., Brechin, E. K., & Milios, C. J. (2023). A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(14), 7743-7747. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c01610
Tziotzi, Thomais G, Gracia, David, Dalgarno, Scott J, Schnack, Jürgen, Evangelisti, Marco, Brechin, Euan K, and Milios, Constantinos J. 2023. “A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures”. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (14): 7743-7747.
Tziotzi, T. G., Gracia, D., Dalgarno, S. J., Schnack, J., Evangelisti, M., Brechin, E. K., and Milios, C. J. (2023). A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 7743-7747.
Tziotzi, T.G., et al., 2023. A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(14), p 7743-7747.
T.G. Tziotzi, et al., “A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 145, 2023, pp. 7743-7747.
Tziotzi, T.G., Gracia, D., Dalgarno, S.J., Schnack, J., Evangelisti, M., Brechin, E.K., Milios, C.J.: A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 7743-7747 (2023).
Tziotzi, Thomais G, Gracia, David, Dalgarno, Scott J, Schnack, Jürgen, Evangelisti, Marco, Brechin, Euan K, and Milios, Constantinos J. “A {Gd12Na6} Molecular Quadruple-Wheel with a Record Magnetocaloric Effect at Low Magnetic Fields and Temperatures”. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145.14 (2023): 7743-7747.

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