How water desorbs from calcite
Dickbreder T, Lautner D, Köhler A, Klausfering L, Bechstein R, Kühnle A (2023)
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25: 12694.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Dickbreder, TobiasUniBi
Lautner, Dirk;
Köhler, Antonia;
Klausfering, Lea;
Bechstein, RalfUniBi;
Kühnle, AngelikaUniBi

Abstract / Bemerkung
Calcite is the most abundant carbonate mineral in Earth's crust. Upon cleavage, the (10.4) plane with a rectangular unit cell is exposed. Interestingly, several experiments suggest a (2 * 1) surface reconstruction. However, clear experimental evidence and a theoretical confirmation were long missing. Recently, convincing indication for a (2 * 1) reconstruction has been given by atomic force microscopies taken at 5 K. Here, we show temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experiments of water and ethanol desorbing from calcite (10.4) around room temperature. The TPD curves fit excellently to a kinetic model considering two different adsorption sites, as expected in case of a (2 * 1) reconstruction. This finding applies to the desorption of water and ethanol, illustrating that the effect is characteristic for the calcite cleavage plane. Our results thus show that the (2 * 1) reconstruction not only exists at room temperature but has significant impact on the interfacial properties of calcite.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Page URI
Dickbreder T, Lautner D, Köhler A, Klausfering L, Bechstein R, Kühnle A. How water desorbs from calcite. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2023;25: 12694.
Dickbreder, T., Lautner, D., Köhler, A., Klausfering, L., Bechstein, R., & Kühnle, A. (2023). How water desorbs from calcite. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, 12694.
Dickbreder, Tobias, Lautner, Dirk, Köhler, Antonia, Klausfering, Lea, Bechstein, Ralf, and Kühnle, Angelika. 2023. “How water desorbs from calcite”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25: 12694.
Dickbreder, T., Lautner, D., Köhler, A., Klausfering, L., Bechstein, R., and Kühnle, A. (2023). How water desorbs from calcite. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 12694.
Dickbreder, T., et al., 2023. How water desorbs from calcite. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, p 12694.
T. Dickbreder, et al., “How water desorbs from calcite”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 25, 2023, pp. 12694.
Dickbreder, T., Lautner, D., Köhler, A., Klausfering, L., Bechstein, R., Kühnle, A.: How water desorbs from calcite. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 25, 12694 (2023).
Dickbreder, Tobias, Lautner, Dirk, Köhler, Antonia, Klausfering, Lea, Bechstein, Ralf, and Kühnle, Angelika. “How water desorbs from calcite”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (2023): 12694.
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