Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Tannoubi A, Ouergui I, Srem-Sai M, Hagan Jr. JE, Quansah F, Azaiez F (2023)
Children 10(4): 1-12.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Tannoubi, Amayra;
Ouergui, Ibrahim;
Srem-Sai, Medina;
Hagan Jr., John ElvisUniBi;
Quansah, Frank;
Azaiez, Fairouz
Abstract / Bemerkung
(1) Objective: This is a quasi-experimental study that investigated the effect of four weeks of training sessions using video modeling (VM) on individual and collective technical skills in young novice basketball players. (2) Method: 20 players were equally assigned to either a control group (CG, n = 10; 12 ± 0.7 years) or a video modeling group (VMG, n = 10; 12.5 ± 0.5 years; visualizing videos before each session) were assessed before and after the four-week training period using the Basketball Skill Test of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance for individual techniques and three vs. three small-sided games for collective aspects. (3) Results: For the passing test, VMG induced higher performance than CG (p = 0.021; d = 0.87). For offensive balls post-intervention, higher values were recorded for VMG compared to CG (p = 0.003; d = 1.81). In addition, the number of attack balls index post-intervention was higher for VMG compared to CG (p = 0.001; d = 0.28). For losing the ball, VMG induced lower values than CG after the training intervention (p < 0.001; d = −3.23). The efficiency index was higher post-training compared to pre-training for VMG (p = 0.013; d = 1.24). (4) Conclusion: The study highlighted the importance of using video modeling as an effective strategy to improve technical skills and collective performance in novice young basketball players.
skill acquisition;
performance improvement;
motor learning
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Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI
Tannoubi A, Ouergui I, Srem-Sai M, Hagan Jr. JE, Quansah F, Azaiez F. Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Children. 2023;10(4):1-12.
Tannoubi, A., Ouergui, I., Srem-Sai, M., Hagan Jr., J. E., Quansah, F., & Azaiez, F. (2023). Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Children, 10(4), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/children10040687
Tannoubi, Amayra, Ouergui, Ibrahim, Srem-Sai, Medina, Hagan Jr., John Elvis, Quansah, Frank, and Azaiez, Fairouz. 2023. “Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study”. Children 10 (4): 1-12.
Tannoubi, A., Ouergui, I., Srem-Sai, M., Hagan Jr., J. E., Quansah, F., and Azaiez, F. (2023). Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Children 10, 1-12.
Tannoubi, A., et al., 2023. Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Children, 10(4), p 1-12.
A. Tannoubi, et al., “Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study”, Children, vol. 10, 2023, pp. 1-12.
Tannoubi, A., Ouergui, I., Srem-Sai, M., Hagan Jr., J.E., Quansah, F., Azaiez, F.: Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Children. 10, 1-12 (2023).
Tannoubi, Amayra, Ouergui, Ibrahim, Srem-Sai, Medina, Hagan Jr., John Elvis, Quansah, Frank, and Azaiez, Fairouz. “Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Improving Technical Skills in Young Novice Basketball Players: A Quasi-Experimental Study”. Children 10.4 (2023): 1-12.
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