Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces
Wahl M (2023)
In: Foundations of modern statistics. Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 425. Cham: Springer: 301--321.
Sammelwerksbeitrag | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
We establish non-asymptotic lower bounds for the estimation of principal
subspaces. As applications, we obtain new results for the excess risk of
principal component analysis and the matrix denoising problem.
Foundations of modern statistics
Springer Proc. Math. Stat.
Page URI
Wahl M. Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces. In: Foundations of modern statistics. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. Vol 425. Cham: Springer; 2023: 301--321.
Wahl, M. (2023). Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces. Foundations of modern statistics, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 425, 301--321. Cham: Springer.\_8
Wahl, Martin. 2023. “Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces”. In Foundations of modern statistics, 425:301--321. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. Cham: Springer.
Wahl, M. (2023). “Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces” in Foundations of modern statistics Springer Proc. Math. Stat., vol. 425, (Cham: Springer), 301--321.
Wahl, M., 2023. Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces. In Foundations of modern statistics. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. no.425 Cham: Springer, pp. 301--321.
M. Wahl, “Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces”, Foundations of modern statistics, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., vol. 425, Cham: Springer, 2023, pp.301--321.
Wahl, M.: Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces. Foundations of modern statistics. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 425, p. 301--321. Springer, Cham (2023).
Wahl, Martin. “Van Trees inequality, group equivariance, and estimation of principal subspaces”. Foundations of modern statistics. Cham: Springer, 2023.Vol. 425. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 301--321.