Raymond Sabouraud

Effendy I (2013)
In: Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures. Löser C, Plewig G, Burgdorf WHC (Eds); Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. . Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer : 973-976.

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Löser, Christoph; Plewig, Gerd; Burgdorf, Walter H. C.
Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures
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Effendy I. Raymond Sabouraud. In: Löser C, Plewig G, Burgdorf WHC, eds. Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures. Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. . Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer ; 2013: 973-976.
Effendy, I. (2013). Raymond Sabouraud. In C. Löser, G. Plewig, & W. H. C. Burgdorf (Eds.), Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures (Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. ., pp. 973-976). Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer .
Effendy, Isaak. 2013. “Raymond Sabouraud”. In Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures, ed. Christoph Löser, Gerd Plewig, and Walter H. C. Burgdorf, Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. , 973-976. Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer .
Effendy, I. (2013). “Raymond Sabouraud” in Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures, Löser, C., Plewig, G., and Burgdorf, W. H. C. eds. Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. . (Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer ), 973-976.
Effendy, I., 2013. Raymond Sabouraud. In C. Löser, G. Plewig, & W. H. C. Burgdorf, eds. Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures. Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. . Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer , pp. 973-976.
I. Effendy, “Raymond Sabouraud”, Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures, C. Löser, G. Plewig, and W.H.C. Burgdorf, eds., Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. ., Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer , 2013, pp.973-976.
Effendy, I.: Raymond Sabouraud. In: Löser, C., Plewig, G., and Burgdorf, W.H.C. (eds.) Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures. Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. . p. 973-976. Springer , Berlin ; Heidelberg (2013).
Effendy, Isaak. “Raymond Sabouraud”. Pantheon of dermatology : outstanding historical figures. Ed. Christoph Löser, Gerd Plewig, and Walter H. C. Burgdorf. Rev. and extended transl. of the German ed. . Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer , 2013. 973-976.

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