Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden

Oksuzyan A, Drefahl S, Caputo J, Aradhya S (2023)
European Journal of Population 39(1): 8.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 703.93 KB
Oksuzyan, AnnaUniBi ; Drefahl, Sven; Caputo, Jennifer; Aradhya, Siddartha
Abstract / Bemerkung
Marriage is protective against suicide across most populations, including for persons of different ethnicities and immigrant backgrounds. However, the well-being benefits of marriage are contingent upon marital characteristics—such as conflict and quality—that may vary across spousal dyads with different immigration backgrounds. Leveraging Swedish register data, we compare suicide mortality among married persons on the basis of their and their spouse’s immigration backgrounds. We find that relative to those in a native Swede-Swede union, Swedish men married to female immigrants and immigrant women married to native men are at higher risk of death by suicide, while immigrants of both genders who are married to someone from their birth country have a lower risk of suicide mortality. The findings support hypotheses about the strains that may be encountered by those who intermarry, as well as the potential selection of individuals into inter- and intra-ethnic marriages.
suicide; Immigrant; Intermarriage; Mental health register data; Sweden
European Journal of Population
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
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Oksuzyan A, Drefahl S, Caputo J, Aradhya S. Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden. European Journal of Population. 2023;39(1): 8.
Oksuzyan, A., Drefahl, S., Caputo, J., & Aradhya, S. (2023). Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden. European Journal of Population, 39(1), 8.
Oksuzyan, Anna, Drefahl, Sven, Caputo, Jennifer, and Aradhya, Siddartha. 2023. “Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden”. European Journal of Population 39 (1): 8.
Oksuzyan, A., Drefahl, S., Caputo, J., and Aradhya, S. (2023). Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden. European Journal of Population 39:8.
Oksuzyan, A., et al., 2023. Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden. European Journal of Population, 39(1): 8.
A. Oksuzyan, et al., “Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden”, European Journal of Population, vol. 39, 2023, : 8.
Oksuzyan, A., Drefahl, S., Caputo, J., Aradhya, S.: Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden. European Journal of Population. 39, : 8 (2023).
Oksuzyan, Anna, Drefahl, Sven, Caputo, Jennifer, and Aradhya, Siddartha. “Is it Better to Intermarry? Immigration Background of Married Couples and Suicide Risk Among Native-Born and Migrant Persons in Sweden”. European Journal of Population 39.1 (2023): 8.
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